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Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections

Code of Conduct Policy

Code of Conduct Policy

Policy Procedures

To ensure the safety and comfort of all Archives users, Archives users are asked to adhere to the following guidelines.

Archives and Special Collections User Guidelines

  • All Archive materials are to be used in the Archives Research room in an area designated by Archives employees. Items cannot be removed from the Archives property except with the express written permission of the Archives Director or the or the Archives Assistant Director.

  • All Archives users are required to read and complete the Rules For Use form before using archival materials of any kind.

  • Archives users are expected to behave responsibly, courteously, and to be respectful of Archives employees and other Archives users. Winthrop University students must abide by the Winthrop University Student Conduct Code.

  • Non-Winthrop users under the age of 16 should be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian. 

  • Attire appropriate to a public building is required, including shoes.

  • Only animals trained to support a person with a disability are permitted in the Archives. 

Activities and Behaviors Not Permitted

Due to the historic and fragile condition of archival including documents, photographs, and artifacts, activity in the Archives research room is monitored. Activities and behaviors that are not permitted in the Archives include, but are not limited to:

  • Eating and drinking in the Archives Research room, near computers, or in the exhibit area.
  • Conduct that immediately endangers or persistently disturbs Archives employees or other Archives users or disrupts academic activities or archives services, programs, and events, including:
  • Written, verbal, emotional, or physical abuse, including, but not limited to, direct or implied threats or harassment;
  • Excessive noise, loud talking, or extended cell phone conversations; 
  • Use of electronic devices or equipment in a manner inconsistent with a research/study environment
  • Disrupting Archives employees’ or Archives users’ work or space with unwelcome conversation, advances, or actions 
  • Stealing or defacing the Archives building, property, or archival material or any other form of vandalism, including attempts of destruction.
  • Smoking (including e-cigarettes) or using other tobacco products in or near the Archives
  • Sexual misconduct of any kind
  • Possessing and/or attempting to use formal or crude weapons 
  • Any criminal activity
  • Consuming alcoholic beverages or using illegal or controlled substances in or near the Archives
  • Entering the Archives in a state of intoxication or other impairment 
  • Abuse of Archives’ equipment, materials, furnishings, or property, including:
    • Stealing or defacing the Archives building, property, or archives materials and artifacts, or any other form of vandalism, including attempts of destruction
    • Misuse of, or hoarding of Archives’ equipment, spaces, or furnishings
    • Use of electronic devices or equipment in a manner inconsistent with a research/study environment
    • Violating the Winthrop University Policy on the Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources

Refusal to adhere to these guidelines will result in loss of Archives & Special Collections privileges. Students in violation of this policy may be reported to the Dean of Students. All reports of criminal activity will be referred to Campus Police.