Values & Mission Statements

Values Statement
Dacus Library and Pettus Archives employees are accountable for integrating the following core values into our daily and long-term contemporary practices:
- Service: We provide ethical, professional information guidance or instruction to campus and community users.
- Collection Development: We gather, organize, preserve, and manage resources supporting users' information needs, and we promote discoverability, accessibility, and availability of our resources.
- Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility: We realize and support collections, services, programs, and work practices that reflect a spectrum of knowledge, abilities, experiences, and identities in our community. Our communications and behaviors promote curiosity, clarity, collaboration, and creativity.
(December 2022)
Mission Statement
The primary goal of the Ida Jane Dacus Library is to support the instructional and research activities of the Winthrop University academic community. The Winthrop Library is the primary provider on campus of scholarly information in all forms from print to electronic.
To fulfill its mission, the Library will do the following in the areas designated:
- Facilities: Continue to improve the library facilities to provide an aesthetically pleasing, comfortable, and appropriate environment to meet patron needs and study patterns.
- Library Development: Seek involvement, input, support, and adequate funding from students, faculty, staff, university administration, and community for library resources and services.
- Marketing and Communication: Develop new avenues to encourage better communication and public relations within the library and among the library patrons.
- Resource Sharing: Engage in sharing resources through inter-institutional cooperation and agreements.
- Resources and Collections: Acquire, organize, maintain, and preserve resources that complement and support the curriculum, research, and information needs of the University.
- Services: Provide assistance and instruction to patrons, individually and in groups, to aid users in identifying, locating, and using resources.
- Staffing: Recruit, hire, and train a competent, well-qualified, and diverse workforce. Provide opportunities for retraining, continuing education, and professional development for all library staff and faculty.
- Technology: Maintain an accurate and up-to-date web presence and continue to explore emerging technologies to identify the ones most appropriate for the library and the patrons.