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Federal Government Information: Agriculture

Census of Agriculture

Agricultural censuses
 Historic Ag. Census publications
 Census of Agri. Historical Archives - (from 1925)

Search the Dacus Online Catalog for:

Annual reports

Soil Surveys


Farm Subside Database (non-gov)



AgEcon search 

  • Scholarly research in agriculture and applied economics; not only government also working papers, conference papers, select full-text journals {University of Minnesota)

National Agricultural Library

  • Agricultural Economic Report; Agriculture Handbook; Agriculture Information Bulletin; Bean Improvement Cooperative Annual Report; Bean Improvement Cooperative Natl Dry Bean Res Assoc Conference; Division Pomology Bulletin; Economic Research Service Staff Report; Fruit Vegetable Market News Report; Pomological Watercolors; Report Commissioner Agriculture; Report Secretary Agriculture; Rural Development Perspectives; Rural Development Research Report; Technical Bulletin United States Department Agriculture; World Poultry Congress; and Yearbook United States Department Agriculture
  • Monograph publications and other non-series publications are also available (PDFs)

Yearbook of Agriculture

  • Searchable versions of the annual publication
  • USDA resarch developments
  • coverage starts in 1894
  • Select the "Yearbook" from the list to begin.


Agricultural Statistics
  • Electronic versions of the annual publication (1994+)
  • agricultural production, supplies, consumption, facilities, costs, and returns

National Agricultural Statistics Service

  • Census and surveys, data & statistics, publications, etc. for US, state and count
Census of Agriculture
  • Includes data from the earliest agricultural census (1840) to the most recent.

Economic Research Service

  • National and state data for agriculture and nutrition health (Dept. of Agriculture)

Crop value