U.S. Senate - members, Committees, and leadership and support offices, information about legislative procedures, and history
U.S. House of Representatives -legislative information, Members, Committees, and Organizations of the House
Congressional Directory - official directory; short biographies of each member, by state or district, and more
Biographical Directory of the US Congress: 1774-present - search portraits, view bibliographies and research collections for many subjects
GovTrack.us - information about the U.S. Congress, following the status of federal legislation and the activities of senators and representatives
Legistorm - salaries of Congressional staff members, including interns; searchable by name, Member of Congress, and committee
General Accountability Office - investigative arm of Congress, examines matters relating to the receipt and disbursement of public funds, performs audits and issues evaluations and reports
Vote-smart - information about elected representatives, voting records for members of Congress
Roll Call - newspaper of Capitol Hill
Congressional Report Cards - non-partisan reports to provide information for evaluating members of the US Congress