The purpose of the Friends of Dacus Library is to encourage gifts, endowments, memorials, and funds for financial support of the library beyond the traditional budget. It seeks to attain this worthwhile goal via the contributions of members to the organization for either general or designated purposes. The current membership categories for those wishing to join the Friends group are:
Life (Individuals Only) | $1,000+ (given within a calendar year) |
Corporate (Businesses/Organizations Only) | $500.00-$999.99* |
Patron | $200.00-$499.99 |
Sustaining Member | $100.00-$199.00 |
Member | $50.00-$99.99 |
Winthrop Student | $10.00-$49.99 |
*An individual who gives annually in this range is still classed as Patron.
The Friends of Dacus Endowment Fund is nearing its goal. A decision was made to hold this endowment until it reached $100,000. To date, we are only $20,000 from this goal. If you would like to help please click on "Make an Online Gift" or "Join Friends Now!" links.