United Nations Digital Library -
Voting records can be found in the United Nations Digital Library. To search for voting data:
On the homepage, go to Narrow by Collection and choose Voting Data.
On the left side of the search screen, choose:
UN Body: General Assembly
Vote: Vote
Subject: Click Show All to see the full list of topics
Date: Choose years
In the search bar at the top, type in additional keywords or phrases.
Click on the resolution and scroll down to see the voting records.
Going back and changing your search terms may erase all of your previous choices. Check all boxes again, if needed, before searching.
General Assembly Voting Information
There are multiple sources for General Assembly voting information.
Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly
The UN Library in New York maintains a database with voting records which forms the basis for the voting chart included in the Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly.
Security Council: Voting Information
Analysis of Security Council voting can be found in the Repertory of Practice of UN Organs and the Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council. Most Security Council resolutions are adopted by vote.
Official voting information is found in:
Voting records may be available for the General Assembly or the Security Council. Many General Assembly Resolutions and Decisions are passed without a vote or without recording the votes of individual members; however, in certain situations, the individual votes of member states are recorded and available. Individual votes on Security Council Resolutions are typically recorded. Voting records may be found officially as part of Meeting Records or unofficially as part of Press Releases or as separate compilations.
1, Online Resources
Includes a “Voting Records” database listed under Resource Type. General Assembly records are included from 1983 onwards. Security Council records are included from 1946 onwards. UNBISnet also includes recent Meeting Records in its main bibliographic database. Click on Help in the menu for searching tips. Use this link for an explanation of Symbol Structure.
United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library: UN Voting
Includes an overview of voting, types of voting, and sources of voting information.
Outcome and votes for Security Council resolutions, 1994-current.
UN Documentation: Security Council: Voting Information, UN Dag Hammarskjöld Library
UN Documentation: General Assembly: Voting Information, UN Dag Hammarskjöld Library
Index to Proceedings, United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library (GA, ECOSOC and SC)
Information on votes and a list of documents issued during the session.
U.S. Department of State - Voting Practices in the United Nations
The Report to the Congress on Voting Practices in the United Nations was first published in 1984, for the year 1983 pursuant to Public Law 98-151 and Public Law 98-164. This report reviews voting practices in the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly (UNGA), and presents data in a variety of formats.
Security Council meeting records are available in PDF format from 1994 onwards and General Assembly records are available from 2000 onwards. Browseable by date and meeting record number. Note that for the Security Council, there is a separate link for “meeting records” whereas for the General Assembly, you must click on “verbatim records” for meeting records.
Press releases are issued for each meeting of the General Assembly and the Security Council. If there was a vote at a meeting, unofficial records are included in the press release. Press releases are available in full text from 1995 onwards.
Aljazeera -How has my country voted at the UN?
6,112 roll-call votes from the UN General Assembly from 1946 to 2018 were analyzed. Explore the biggest issues facing the planet and see how they have evolved.
Information about voting records from the Dacus Library Catalog