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Management: MGMT 365 Presentation Topics and Strategies

MGMT 365: Presentation Topics

Get started finding library resources for your presentations using the searches linked below and find articles and books at the same time. For additional resources, try the searches below in databases like Business Source Complete.

Customizing Your Search: Advanced Overview

Get better results using Boolean searching (or, and, wildcard symbols)

Search example: 
brand* and (maintain or manage) and (online or internet)

  • Parentheses keep similar concepts together
  • Inside parentheses, OR gives the database flexibility between search terms.
  • AND between concepts tells the database that Concept 1 MUST be linked with Concept 2.
  • Most databases use the * for a wildcard search: brand* = brand, brands, branding, etc.
  • In this example, brand must be linked to either maintain or manage, and must also be linked to either online or internet.  

Selected Business Databases

Customizing Your Search: The Basics

Quick start: Click on any of the searches below to begin your research on that topic. 

Modify the quick start searches: After clicking on a linked search, use the search box at the top of the results list to add or change the search terms to better fit your own research. For example, if you are interested in business negotiations, what aspect of this topic is most interesting to you? Maybe it's job offers, or perhaps entrepreneurship? Click on the business negotiations link, then add words like success* or entrepreneur* - you will get results that better fit your research.

List of Topics


The Art of Negotiations


Attitudes and Behaviors that Lead to Success


Building and Maintaining a Professional Online Image

Strategies and Techniques for Building a Professional Brand

To consider: personal brand/image or corporate brand/image? How you approach this topic will affect how you do your search.


Dress and Grooming for Business 

  • business dress
  • business attire
  • dress for success
  • Content warning: searches for 'grooming' may return results on abusive or predatory behaviors.Use a business database or very specific search terms to reduce results of this nature.


Effective Interpersonal Communications


Ethical and Moral Communications


The Impact of Culture in Shaping Business Communication


Self-Awareness and Effective Communications


Social Media for Networking and Marketing for Employment


Strategies for Conducting Effective Business Meetings


Strategies for Interviewing and Job Readiness 


Strategies for Using Social Media in a Business Setting 

Search tip:  List the areas of business you want to research. For example: marketing, branding, hiring, staff communication, customer engagement 

Search tip: Use a specific social media site instead of the broader social media term.

Create your search by combining social media terms with your business topic. For example:


Technology and Business Communications

Search tip: search using the term for a specific technology instead of a more general term


Value Added Employees


Workplace Etiquette or Netiquette