A one word search like "leadership" or "management" provides a scan of what is available and will let you know if you're on the right track - will you be able to find enough articles or books for your research?
But what do you do when you get too many results, or not enough? A search strategy can help you move beyond too many, not enough, or not the right types of articles.
A search strategy is also portable - most of the time, you can apply the same types of searches to different databases.
Searching multiple resources helps to ensure you are getting a good mix of results.
Get better results using Boolean searching (or, and, wildcard symbols)
Search example:
brand* and (maintain or manage) and (online or internet)
Quick start: Click on any of the searches below to begin your research on that topic.
Modify the search: After clicking on a linked search, use the search box at the top of the results list to add or change the search terms to better fit your own research. For example, if you are interested in the funding aspects of entrepreneurship click on the entrepreneurship link, then add words like venture capital or financ* - you will get results that better fit your research.