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(Archived Aug. 2021) Return to Learn: Library Services during COVID-19

This guide provides answers to frequently asked questions about Dacus Library's operations during Winthrop University's COVID-19 Response.

If you are a currently enrolled student or a currently employed faculty/staff member at Winthrop University, then you have the ability to access the library's electronic resources from off-campus

Whenever you are off-campus and you try to access most of the library's databases and e-books, you should get prompted to log-in with your library account username and password (see the screenshot below):

Enter your Winthrop email address (e.g. and Winthrop email password. Please do not include the "mailbox" portion of your email address! You should then be able to access the databases and view or download e-books. For more information about your library account, see the View/Manage Library Account tab on the Library Account guide. 

Image is Winthrop's login screen -- an arial shot of campus takes up 2/3 of the screen on the left, and the right 1/3 has Winthrop's eagle and shielf logo and Winthrop written logo. Underneath that says "Sign In with your institutional account" and there are two boxes to fill in (top is for Winthrop email addresses, second is for passwords). There is a blue sign in button and a reminder that "Only authorized Winthrop accounts can access this application."

To log into your library account:

  1. Select the Library Account icon from Dacus Library's homepage or select the "Sign In" link from within the library catalog (images A and B below).
  2. Click the "Winthrop Faculty, Students, and Staff" link (image C below).
  3. Enter your Winthrop email, e.g. (do not include "mailbox"!)
  4. Enter your Winthrop email password.
  5. Select the "Sign In" button.

