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Environment: Introduction

Welcome!  This guide will help you get started on your Environmental Science or Environmental Studies research.  Use the tabs above to navigate through the different types of resources.

Remember, environmental science and environmental studies are multidisciplinary.  They can involve several facets, including:

  • scientific considerations
  • public policy and political battles
  • psychology (such as e.g. the trauma of long-term evacuations due to disasters)
  • international relations & diplomacy
  • economic implications
  • sustainable development

and more.

Depending on your topic, you will need to consult resources from a variety of subject areas.

If you would like more help at any time during your research, you can book a research consultation with me or another librarian.

Collection highlights

Responsibility in Environmental Governance

This book provides a comprehensive study of the notion of responsibility in environmental governance. 

Art and Climate Change

Artists are remaking history by drawing on the latest ecological theories, scientific achievements, and indigenous worldviews to engage with the climate crisis.

Sustainable Hedonism

This book challenges the mainstream worldview, rooted in economics, that equates happiness with pleasure, and encourages greed, materialism, egoism and disconnection. Drawing on science and ancient Greek philosophers the author details how we can cultivate our skills for enjoying life without harming ourselves or others.

Plastic Pollution and Marine Conservation

The book synthesizes historical information, gaps in current knowledge, and recent discoveries by illustrating the main stages that made plastics a global issue for ocean ecosystems and their wildlife.

Green Light for Green Flight

NASA's Environmentally Responsible Aviation (ERA) project began in 2009 to explore and document the feasibility, benefits and technical risks of advanced vehicle concepts and enabling technologies for reducing aviation's overall impact on the environment.

Sustainable Diets

Presenting the latest findings, the authors explore the transition to sustainable diets within the context of sustainable food systems, addressing the right to food, and linking food security and nutrition to sustainability.

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Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Martha Smith
Subjects: History, Law