We use the Library of Congress classification system for our call numbers.
A |
Reference works, Museums, Scholarship |
B |
Philosophy, Psychology, Religion |
C |
History |
D |
World History |
E-F |
History of the Americas |
G |
Geography, Anthropology, Recreation |
H |
Social Sciences |
J |
Political Science |
K |
Law |
L |
Education |
M |
Music |
N |
Fine Arts |
P |
Language & Literature |
Q |
Science |
R |
Medicine |
S |
Agriculture |
T |
Technology |
U |
Military Science [US DOC - Gov't Docs] |
V |
Naval Science |
Z |
Bibliography, Library Science |
B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
All things are full of gods : the mysteries of mind and life / David Bentley Hart.
Descartes's method : the formation of the subject of science / Tarek R. Dika.
The reconstruction of religious thought in Islam / Muhammad Iqbal.
F - History of the Americas
The journal of the South Carolina Historical Association.
H - Social Sciences
Likeable badass : how women get the success they deserve / Alison Fragale, PhD.
J - Political Science
South Carolina legislative manual / General Assembly of South Carolina.
L - Education
M - Music
The book of Luke : my fight for truth, justice, and Liberty City / Luther Campbell.
N - Fine Arts
P - Language and Literature
Shattered glass : A generation explains.
Horton Foote : America's storyteller / Wilborn Hampton.
Q - Science
R - Medicine
State Government Documents