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Dacus Library Faculty Manual: Acts of the Faculty Assembly

Acts of the Faculty Assembly

Collections and Technology Committee

Section 1  The functions of the Collections and Technology Committee shall be as follows:

  1. Guide all collection evaluation and development activities of the library.
  2. Keep up with developments in library technology.
  3. Explore library-applicable technologies - especially in light of Dacus Library’s:
    • a. Collection development and use,
    • b.  Automated business and service operations.
  4. Provide academic departments with information for accrediting agencies and surveys.  Details provided may include descriptions of collection-enhancing library technologies where appropriate to the assessment at hand.
  5. Revise the collection management policy and submit changes to the appropriate areas for review.
  6. Recommend new technologies to the Dean of Library Services.          ► top of page

Section 2  The Collection and Technology Committee shall be a standing committee composed of library faculty.  The committee will consist of seven members, five of whom are permanent and two of whom are elected by the Library Faculty Assembly to serve three-year terms:

  1. The Head of Technical Services, who shall serve as the Collection Management Officer,
  2. The Digital Services and Systems Librarian, who shall serve as the Technology Officer,
  3. The Head of Public Services,
  4. The Head of Serials Acquisitions & Cataloging,
  5. The Head of Monograph & A-V Acquisitions,
  6. Representative No. 1 from other areas - elected by the Library Faculty Assembly to serve a 3-year term,
  7. Representative No. 2 from other areas - elected by the Library Faculty Assembly to serve a 3-year term.

The chair of the committee shall be the Collection Management Officer.  The committee will have the authority to draft ad hoc members as necessary in order to reply to requests submitted by the academic departments.  When the nature of the matter warrants, the committee may appoint an ad-hoc subcommittee for in-depth exploration of technological issues as they arise.  Such a subcommittee may draft and/or consult others for specialized expertise.  At the end of the study, the subcommittee shall report and transfer the project to the whole committee, as well as disband.          ► top of page


Library Instruction Committee

Section 1  The Library Instruction Committee shall be responsible for recommending policies and  procedures concerning the library instruction program.  It shall meet at least twice during the academic  year to review and plan for the writing component and as needed to address other issues and concerns. The Coordinator of Library Instruction will serve as chair of this committee.

Section 2 The Library Instruction Committee shall consist of five members, including the Coordinator of  Library Instruction, Head of Reference, Head of Public Services, Head of Technical Services and one  member to be elected by the Faculty Assembly to serve a three-year term.

Section 3 It shall be the responsibility of the chair of the committee to arrange dates and times of  meetings.  The Coordinator of the Writing Program (English Department) will meet with the committee  when the writing component is discussed.   
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