Listed below are peer-reviewed reference books that are available for your use.
Tests in Print
Ref. BF 431 .B1 .T47 (Latest edition kept at the Reference Desk)
It serves as a master index to all the Burros Institute publications, including Mental Measurements Yearbook. To be included, a test must be in print and available for purchase.
Mental Measurements Yearbook
Ref. BF 431 .B1 .M45 (Latest edition kept at the Reference Desk)
Tests are listed alphabetically by title. Each entry provides descriptive information as well as information on validity, reliability, norming data, scoring and reporting services. Most entries include one or more reviews of tests and testing manuals by qualified psychologists. The criterion for inclusion in MMY is that the test must be new or revised since the previous yearbook.
The Special Educator's Comprehensive Guide to 301 Diagnostic Tests
Ref. LC 4019 .P53 2006
Provides information on the most commonly used diagnostic tests for all types of disabilities.