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Company & Industry Research: Financial Data and Ratios

Guide to finding information about companies, their history, strategic direction, reputation, financial soundness, industry profiles & ratios, product information, statistical & demographic information, and a project guide for BADM 180.

Financial Statements

Other Libraries

Get a public library cards where you are eligible - you may gain access to additional financial resources, especially at larger public libraries.

If you are a resident of a county or city, you can get a public library card for free. Some public libraries also provide free access if you are local student, work in the county or city, or may have other types of cards available. Contact the public library where you may be eligible for more information.

Here is a selected list of public libraries with additional financial databases:

Financial Data

Industry Ratios

  • Industry Norms and Key Business Ratios (link to catalog) Dun and Bradstreet. (Ref. 5681 .R25 .I53 - Latest five years kept at the Reference Desk) --Covers 800 industry groups and calculates 14 ratios. Provides common-size analysis and a typical balance sheet for each industry based on the median total assets of the group