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Fine Arts: Videos

videos - a few for starters

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Keyword searching: enter any appropriate words, for example:

  • art* where the search picks art, arts, etc
  • gallery, galleries
  • jewelry
  • metal (advanced metalworking-related search for: metal iron gold bronze brass silver (using match some words option), limited to Art & Architecture collection)
  • painting
  • drawing
  • sketch* (* picks up sketch, sketches, sketching, etc)
  • photograph* (use of * picks up photograph, photography, photographing, etc)
  • sculpt* (use of * picks up sculpt, sculpture, sculptor, etc)
  • potter* (* picks up potter, pottery, etc)
  • ceramic* (* picks up ceramic, ceramics, etc)

Subject browsing: choose from drop-down subjects menu or start-up list of topics:

Art & Architecture

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