Reference Sources
Broughton, Simon, editor. World Music: the Rough Guide. (Ref. ML 102 .W67 .W67 1999) Includes discographies at the end of each chapter.
v. 1. Africa, Europe, and the Middle East
v. 2. Latin and North America, Caribbean, India, Asia, and Pacific
The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. 10 volumes + 9 CDs. (Ref. ML 100 .G16 1998)
v. 1. Africa
v. 2. South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean
v. 3. The United States and Canada
v. 4. Southeast Asia
v. 5. South Asia: the Indian Subcontinent
v. 6. The Middle East
v. 7. East Asia: China, Japan, and Korea
v. 8. Europe
v. 9. Australia and the Pacific Islands
v. 10. The World's Music: General Perspectives and Reference Tools
Jeffries, Stan. Encyclopedia of World Pop Music, 1980-2001. (Ref. ML 102 .P66 .J44 2003)
Nettl, Bruno, editor. Excursions in World Music. 7th edition. 2017. (Available as a eBook)
Tenzer, Michael, editor. Analytical Studies in World Music. 1 volume + 1 CD. (MT 90 .A56 2006) (Also available as an eBook)
Post, Jennifer C. Ethnomusicology: a Contemporary Reader. (ML 3799 .E79 2006)
Titon, Jeff Todd and Bob Carlin, editors. American Musical Traditions. 5 volumes. (Ref. ML 3551 .A53 2002)
v. 1. Native American Music
v. 2. African American Music
v. 3. British Isles Music
v. 4. European American Music
v. 5. Latino American and Asian American Music
Titon, Jeff Todd and Timothy J. Cooley, editors. Worlds of Music: an Introduction to the Music of the World's People. 6th edition. (ML 3545 .W67 2017)
Wade, Bonnie C. Thinking Musically: Experiencing Music, Expressing Culture. 2nd edition. 1 volume + 2 CDs. (ML 3798 .W33 2009)
Relevant Series Titles
ABC-CLIO World Music Series.
Global Music Series.