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New Students Library Orientation: Online Resources


OneSearch is the library's online catalog. It provides a single, intuitive search interface for print and electronic sources. You can find the search box on the homepage of the library website, or use the advanced search. Use your Winthrop email address (omitting the word "mailbox") and password if you want to sign in to OneSearch to access additional features.

This short tutorial will show you how to use OneSearch to find resources like books, ebooks, journal articles, videos, and more:

A-Z Databases

Our A-Z Databases page provides an alphabetical list of our subscription databases, along with open access resources. Among these online resources you'll find journal articles, newspapers, ebooks, streaming videos, images, music, and more.

Use your Winthrop email address (omitting the word "mailbox") and password to log on in order to use databases and other online resources from off-campus.  

You can find the most appropriate databases to use for each subject area by using our Research Guides. 

If an article you need is not available through the databases that Dacus Library subscribes to, you can request an electronic copy of that article from another library. Please see the Interlibrary Loan guide to place a request.

Research Guides

Research Guides provide links to relevant resources in a specific subject area or for a particular major. You'll find the best databases to use, list of helpful print and online resources, search tips, citation information, and more.

You are currently looking at the New Students Library Orientation Guide!

Digital Commons

Digital Commons is a digital repository and publication platform designed to collect, preserve, and make accessible the academic output of Winthrop University faculty, students, and staff. It also serves as the institutional repository of the university and Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections. 

It is the mission of the Digital Commons @ Winthrop to facilitate the discovery of scholarly communications, provide instant access to full text works, and preserve these materials in an open, digital environment.  

How to Get Help

Contact Dacus Library



The chat link is in the lower right corner of the library website. It looks like this:


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