Search by industry type, NAICS code, or SIC code to find articles and full-text market research reports, market share reports, rankings, industry and business profiles, and company histories.
Search by industry type, NAICS code, or SIC code to find articles and full-text market research reports, industry profiles, product reviews, SWOT analyses, etc.
Mergent Intellect includes a company database with information on over 280 million businesses, consumer data for more than 98% of US households, Key Business Ratios, and business plan templates.
Provides investment information on major companies and one-page surveys of over 100 industries. The information on stocks, industries, the stock market, and the economy provides the entrepreneur economic and financial context.
Click here t for video tutorials on navigation, filtering to get results that meet your criteria, and charting information.
From United States Department of Labor. Although designed primarily as a career-planning tool, the information on growing occupational fields helps the market researcher identify geographic locations' presence of industries with growth potential.
MRI-Simmons Catalyst (formerly the Insights platform) is a consumer intelligence and discovery platform that provides marketers with faster access to actionable consumer insights.
Provides full-text articles and statistics on commerce and economic conditions.
Follow the link to multiple online access options: Purl link (official US Department site) is the most complete; followed by Fraser Archive (St. Louis Fed). Dacus Library also has print volumes (US Government Documents C 59.11:)