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Physical Education and Recreation: Databases



  • Containing over one million records, ERIC indexes over 2000 journal titles covering the entire field of education, including, physical education
  • Includes indexing for both non-journal material (known as ERIC Documents or ED’s) and journal articles (EJ’s)
  •         ED’s:  from 1966 to 2004, available on microfiche in the library; from 1993 to present, available full text online.
  •         EJ’s: some full text of articles are available on ERIC; for the others there are links for checking Dacus Library holdings.
  • Can limit to record type, including research reports.  In one of the boxes identified as “Publication Type”, select “Reports - Research” from the drop-down list.
  • Can limit to peer reviewed publications.  (NOTE: Limiting a search to peer reviewed publications eliminates all ERIC Documents.)
  • Can limit search by date, language and educational level or by other criteria
  • Search results listed by relevance; can change to a date order listing
  • Use an * (asterisk) to truncate a search term
  • Can email, print, or download search results
  • It is an EBSCOHost database


Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

  • Topics covered include emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, and observational and experimental methods
  • Provides full-text of over 500 peer-reviewed journals
  • Most of the journals covered are also covered in PscyInfo
  • Can limit to peer-reviewed journals only
  • Use an * to truncate a search term or to search both the plural and singular forms
  • Can email, print, or download search results
  • Click on the “Help" for search hints and additional information
  • It is an EBSCOHost database



  • Covers all fields of psychology and the psychological aspects of related disciplines, such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business, and law
  • Covers over 1,300 journals, books, dissertations, and other resources
  • Limited full-text access
  • Coverage is back to 1897
  • Can limit search to English language publications and publication types
  • Use an * to truncate a search term
  • Can email, print, or download search results
  • Click on “Help” for additional information and search hints
  • It is an EBSCOHost database


SportDiscus with Full Text

  • Comprehensive coverage of sport, fitness, sports medicine, and related fields
  • Indexes peer reviewed journals, magazines, books, and dissertations, some as far back as 1800
  • Includes many full-text articles
  • Can limit search to English language publications and publication type
  • Use an * to truncate a search term
  • Can email, print, or download search results
  • Click on “Help” for additional information and search hints
  • It is an EBSCOHost database


Multi-disciplinary Databases


Academic Search Complete

  • A multi-disciplinary index to more than 8,000 journals, about half of which are full-text
  • Can limit search to scholarly (peer reviewed) journals
  • Search results listed by relevance; can change to a date order listing
  • Can use an * (asterisk) to truncate a search term
  • It is an EBSCOHost database



  • Full-text of several hundred international scholarly journals, many of them going back to the 19th Century
  • Does not include “current” issues of journals; all have an embargo of several years before articles can be added to the archives
  • Journals come from a number of disciplines, including 116 from education
  • In “Advanced Search”, can limit by item type, date range, language, and discipline
  • Be sure to use “ ” when searching phrases


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