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Philosophy: Finding Books

Finding books page

Searching for print and electronic books is easy using OneSearch! Select the Dacus Library Catalog facet to limit your search to books or use the Books, Articles and More facet to search all of the library's resources. Make sure to sign into OneSearch to see full results. 


Using OneSearch

Check out this quick tutorial on how to find and request books in OneSearch:

Philosophy Tools

Below are specific Philosophy thoughts in book form!  This is NOT an exhaustive list, but one that gives you an idea of the diversity of resources in the Dacus reference collection. At this time the dacus library reference collection is not available. We hope to have these resources available to you in the coming months!   Be sure to ask a librarian at the Information Commons if you are having trouble locating information in philosophy or in any research endeavor.


Ready To start finding resources? Try OneSearch now!


Keyword searching

Here are a few searches to pair with nutrition to get you started. Philosophy AND: