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Federal Government Information: Statistics

General - links to government statistical sources - raw and geospatial datasets

MapStats - Statistical profiles of States, counties, cities, Congressional Districts, and Federal judicial districts.

Statistical Abstract (online) -  Latest edition available in print at the Information Commons Desk. Earlier paper editions available in the Government Documents Department Docs C 3.134:  1893-2011. 


Justice Statistics Bureau

  • crimes and victims
  • criminal offenders
  • the justice system
  • related special topics

NCJRS Abstracts Database

  • Contains summaries of publications on criminal justice
  • Federal, state, and local government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, and unpublished research
  • early 1970s to the present

Uniform Crime Reports

  • U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation 
  • Nationwide statistics on crime
  • from city, county, and state law enforcement agencies
  • Some statistics are available back to 1995

Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Stats

  • data from many sources
  • national coverage

Statistical Agencies

Statistical agencies of the U.S. government

  • Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Information on national and international trade, accounts, industry, and economic indicators. “The U.S. Economy at a Glance,” highlights economic indicators. Information from the BEA is available by region (state and municipality) and internationally. Access:

  • Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). Statistics on all aspects of criminal justice in the United States at the state, federal, and tribal levels. Crimes by type (violent, property, identify theft, hate crime, etc.) or victim, corrections populations and facilities, and court systems are covered as well as noncriminal aspects of the justice system, including law enforcement personnel and behavior statistics. Access:

  • Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. civilian labor force information including the unemployment rate, Consumer Price Index, Payroll Employment Rate, and Import and Export Price Indexes. Publications: Occupational Outlook Handbook and the Monthly Labor Review. Access:

  • Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Information about travel and transportation in and into the United States: personal travel, public transportation, and freight. Data covers air, land, and sea transportation and is available by region, mode of travel, and subject. Access:

  • Census Bureau. The American Community Survey provides annual update information on the American population, and the American FactFinder provides access to the latest decennial census results. The Census Bureau website also provides the Economic Census, information about foreign and domestic trade, and the economy in the United States. Two good places to start investigating census data are the Quick Facts and Easy Stats pages. Access:

  • Department of Homeland Security. Information on a variety of topics related to the domestic security of the United States. Includes Statistics on immigration to the United States (most notably the annual Yearbook of Immigration Statistics), statistics from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and maritime information from the U.S. Coast Guard. Access:

  • Economic Research Service (ERS). Information on the economics of agriculture in the United States along with food safety and prices, commodity markets, the rural economy, and agricultural income. Access:

  • Energy Information Administration (EIA). Fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable resources make up the energy production portfolio of the United States from extraction to consumption at the state and national level, as well as international indicators. EIA also tracks energy usage, source stocks, and prices and provides information on side effects of energy use (emissions and waste) and offers access to industry reporting information. Access:

  • National Agricultural Statistical Service (NASS). Agricultural information, economics (prices, loans, etc), demographics, commodity stocks and yields, environmental concerns and impacts, land use, and education in agriculture is available in addition to statistics covering crops and livestock. NASS also produces the Census of Agriculture every five years. Access:

  • National Center for Education Statistics. Education in the United States from ability and academic English to writing and youth indicators. Statistics are available at the district, municipality, state, and national level covering all ages from children to adult education. Includes fast facts pages ( Access:

  • National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Information about health in the United States including diseases, mortality and natality, exercise, marriage, injury, and access to health care. NCHS fast facts page ( is a good place to start. Includes an A to Z topic list at the top of the page. Access:

  • National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES). Statistical information about science and engineering in the United States including education in science and engineering, personnel characteristics, research and development programs, and funding and expenditures covering private business and the federal government as well as international statistics. Access:

  • Social Security Administration Office of Research Evaluation and Statistics (ORES). Information about U.S. Social Security programs. Access:

  • Statistical Programs of the United States of America. An annual publication listing the 13 principal statistical agency programs of the United States and nearly 100 smaller programs that are part of federal agencies. Provides a topical listing and a breakdown of programs by top level federal agencies. Access:

  • Statistics of Income (SoI). The Internal Revenue Service provides SoI related to all aspects of federal taxation in the United States. Provides information on all aspects of taxation. Statistics cover individual and business taxes by type and topic, statistics by tax form, information on income, IRS operations, and tax exemptions. Access:      


Key Departments

    Census Bureau- see subpage

    Federal Reserve Economic Data - data and pulbications for US finance and trade

    Bureau of Labor Statistics - extensive collection of statistics and reports broadly related to employment and economics

    National Science Foundation - status of science & engineering including education, employment, funding, policies.

    TranStats U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
          Aimed at providing "one stop shopping" for transportation data. Explore by mode, subject, or agency. Includes a Mapping Center for viewing and analyzing data geographically.

    Tax Statistics - Internal Revenue Service 

         The Statistics of Income (SOI) program produces data files compiled from tax and information returns filed with the IRS.

    USGS Water Data for the Nation (Geological Survey)
          Provides access to water-resources data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.